How does it work?

▸ Step 1. Select and pay for either the standard or pro plan. You'll do this through a payment link on my website. This will trigger a recurring monthly invoice sent directly to your inbox. This monthly charge will continue until you pause or cancel my services.

▸ Step 2. I'll invite you to a dedicated Notion board. All you have to do is click on the link that's emailed to you and sign up with a username and password for a free Notion account.

▸ Step 3. All the instructions on how to begin working together is covered in the Notion board.

▸ Step 4. You'll see how easy it is to add as many digital tasks as you'd like to a backlog. You choose the one you want me to work on next and approve all my work when I'm finished!

What's the catch?

▸ The catch is I complete one task at a time.

▸ My clients value a balance between quality and speed and plan their tasks accordingly.

How many hours a week do I get?

▸ My work is based on tasks completed so I don't track hours.

▸ You can add as many tasks per month to the backlog as you want.

▸ My focus is on a balance between quality and speed so that each task gets done in a reasonable time at a quality level you expect.

Do I have to wait days for tasks or revisions to be completed?

▸ I like to complete small tasks and revisions as quickly as possible so that we can move to your next task.

▸ But for larger tasks or multiple rounds of revision (or addendums to the original request), a few days should be expected on average.

What happens if you get a lot of clients?

▸ I only take as many clients as I feel I can without degrading the quality of my work.

▸ More importantly, too much work means less time to spend with my family and that's a deal breaker for me.

Do you take meetings or are you on a messaging platform?